1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a small bowl, whisk the following:
3. Clean and peel 1 pound of carrots (preferably on the thinner side), trimming off most of the green tops. Slice any larger carrots in half lengthways, to make 2 even and thinner carrots. Make sure all your carrots are similar size/thickness.
4. Combine your carrots, a few sprigs of thyme and 3/4 of your glaze into a roasting pan and toss to coat. Roast for 15-20 mins or until the carrots start to caramelize. Keep an eye on them so the vinegar doesn't begin to burn - if it does, carefully mix the carrots and turn down the heat slightly.
5. Take the tray out the oven, flip the carrots and pour over the rest of your glaze. Pop back in the oven until fully caramelized and sticky. This can take up to another 20-25mins depending on the size of your carrots. Be patient and don't mess with the oven temperature! Note: Turning your oven over 390 degrees risks burning the glaze.
6. Remove the carrots from oven and season with salt to taste, toss to evenly coat. Take out the thyme stalks, arrange on serving dish and add an extra drizzle of balsamic. Great served on the side with seared salmon or pork chops!